Running a quick test

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1. Assign a plugin and start the program

1.1 Assign Mercalli as a video filter or video effect in your video editing software.

(Please refer to the section “Using Mercalli with different video editing programs” for information about how to do this in your specific program.)

1.2 Start Mercalli (some programs will start it automatically).

2. Select a profile

1. Select a profile from the drop-down list.

Mercalli Clip3 Running a quick test

If your system has a fast processor unit (CPU), select
“Versatile: precise image stabilisation (intensive rendering)”.
As the profile name says, the settings in this profile allow very precise movement detection, but this is a compute-intensive process. However, it ensures unwanted movements are detected and removed with great accuracy.

If your system has an older processor unit (CPU), select the profile “Versatile: fastest image stabilisation” or “Versatile: reliable image stabilisation”.
This will smooth the video considerably, but not as precisely as the previous profile.

This is all you need to do in the first step towards optimising your video by removing unwanted movement. To return to the video editing program, click “Close”. 

Mercalli automatically starts the video analysis.

Mercalli analyse Running a quick test

Once this is complete, you can preview the result in your video editing program.

To make further changes, restart Mercalli from your video editing program. The advanced settings options are listed below.

Running a quick test